Ghiduri Turistice, Albume – Romania

Publicitate Online

Romanian Monasteries este un site dedicat promovarii patrimoniului cultural si turismului in Romania cu aproximativ 95,000 vizitatori lunar si 315,000 vizualizari (page loads).

Cheia publicitatii online este alegerea unui website de calitate.

Sunt absolut incantata de acest site si extrem de bucuroasa sa constat ca exista o asemenea prezentare despre valorile romanesti. Niciodata in cei 5 ani departe de casa, nu am gasit un asa de minunat site, cu tot felul de informatii despre tara noastra draga, informatii care te fac mandru ca esti roman. Mii de multumiri pentru acest MINUNAT site si FELICITARI pt reusita!!!
Ramona Costache

Romanian Monasteries
Romanian Monasteries

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Statistici Google Analytics pe luna Iulie.

I am absolutely astonished by the quality and completeness of information contained in your site. Congratulations and many thanks for deciding to share all this priceless material on the net.
Letta Coto


It is a pity I had not known your website before I went to Romania. The information you give and the way you do it is the one of the best I have ever seen. Now the site helps me to identify hundreds of pictures I took and put everything in order. Romania was a wonderful experience for me and I want to visit this country once again.
You are doing a great job. Good luck!
Barbara Flisiuk

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