Travel Guides, Albums - Romania

Harnicesti Church

Maramures Map - Harnicesti

Year built: during the 17th century
Location: Hărniceşti belongs to the commune of Deseşti. It is situated 44 km northeast of Baia Mare, and 22 km south of Sighetu Marmaţiei.
Summary: Just as in the case of other churches, the construction has been modified in time so that its original aspect has been preserved only in part.

Harnicesti - Maramures

The church of the Birth of the Holy Virgin seen from southeast. The added porch projects out of the south façade.

The church was much enlarged in 1893, when a new pronaos was added. The wall between the old pronaos and the naos was removed, enlarging thus also the naos.
In 1911 a porch was added on the south side, in front of the entrance. The old entrance portal, fully decorated with carvings and colours, was moved to the naos entrance. In 1942 the interior was repainted and the old iconostasis replaced with a larger one. In 1972, the tower was moved on the new pronaos.

Harnicesti - Maramures

The façades of the church are decorated with icons and embroidered towels.

The church owns some very valuable icons, like The Entrance into Jerusalem, The Ascension of Christ and The Annunciation.
The construction of this church, as well as its modifications, show clearly the nearly scientific attitude that is held here towards the composing of church volumes.
The church was restored in 1999 – 2000, preserving some of the added elements, such as the porch.