Travel Guides, Albums - Romania

Holy Archangels Church, Cupseni

Maramures Map - Cupseni

Year built: 1732
Location: Cupşeni, is situated 20 km north of the town of Târgu Lăpuş.
Summary: The church is very small, and the whole structure is covered with a unitary roof with only one set of eaves, as is usual for Lăpuş.

Cupseni Holy Archangels - Maramures

The church of the Holy Archangels seen from southeast.

The tower is much more imposing than that of the nearby church of St. Elijah, the tall conical roof rising to a surprising height. At the base of the roof are four small pinnacles, also typical for Lăpuş churches.
In front of the west façade and the entrance is a small porch. The six pillars that support the roof and their oblique carved struts form an arcade. A simple archaic ladder carved from a tree trunk leads up to the belfry in the tower.
A fragmentary inscription found inside the church dates the interior paintings to 1823. The iconography of the paintings is similar to the murals of churches of the Cosău River valley.

Maramures Travel Guide