Culcea Church

Year built: 1720
Location: The village of Culcea is about 15 km south of Baia Mare by the county road DJ 182 B. Just south of Săcălăşeni, a small road turns to the right that leads to the village.
Summary: The church looks from far as if it were a stone church, as the wooden walls have been whitewashed. Very originally, they have been decorated with diagonal cross-hatching.

A unitary roof covers the whole rectangular structure, while the ridge over the chancel is slightly lower. At each end of the ridge, there is a small spirelet with a cross.
The entrance to the church is through a porch on the west façade. The four porch pillars are each made from a massive squared log, which are tripartite in the middle. The heavy beam above is carved with a cross and rosettes.
The interior walls are bare and not much remains of the mural paintings. The floor is made with smooth large slabs of stone.