Calinesti Susani Church

Year built: 1784
Location:Călineşti is situated in the valley of the Cosău River, at the foot of Gutâi Mountains, south of Sighetu Marmaţiei.
Summary: The ground plan of the church is exceptional: its triconch plan shows obvious influence from Moldavia, where this type is the dominant one. In a triconch plan there are three apses at the east end of a church, not only the usual eastern chancel apse, but also the naos has two lateral apses, one on the north side and one on the south.

The access to the church is on the south facade, not on the west one, as is common for most churches in Maramureş. The wide frame is decorated with twisting vines on the vertical posts, and a cross and the date 1784 on the lintel.
The roof has double eaves all around the church, and only the ridge of the chancel is slightly lower than the main roof.
The original mural painting was applied on pieces of textile that had been covered with a preparatory layer of limewash. Unfortunately these paintings were removed from the walls at some point in time, and only a small piece remaining is proof of former existence.

The iconostasis is signed by Nicolae Cepschin and is dated to 1788. Its arrangement is usual. Up on top is the figure of the crucified Jesus, with the Virgin Mary and St. John the Evangelist on either side. Then follow quite rare themes, at least for this location, Archangel Michael and the four Evangelists on one side, while on the other is Cain Killing Abel. Then follow the central figure of the Holy Virgin flanked by Prophets and below her Jesus Christ High Priest in the middle of the standing figures of the Twelve Apostles.