Travel Guides, Albums - Romania

Album Sighisoara – Medieval memories (romanian/english/german)

Album Sighisoara - Medieval memories

80 pages
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Text: romanian/english/german
Format: 27 x 21 cm, hard cover
Photo: Florin Andreescu, Text: Mariana Pascaru
Publishing: AdLibri
Price: 13.50 €

Sighisoara, one of the few inhabited burgs in the world, can be a beautiful illustration for a medieval urban lesson. Here the elements of the medieval universe have been strictly preserved: the walls with bulwarks and nine defense towers that surround the Hill of the Fortress (Dealul Cetatii), the central market where used to be the pillory and were the executions took place, the Gothic churches, the narrow sloping and quarried lanes, the old craftsman houses with pastel colored front walls and pelargonium by the windows. Sighisoara, the fortress founded by Germans in 1191 on a hill located on the left margin of Tarnava Mare river, is still alive…

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Album Sighisoara - Medieval memories
Album Sighisoara - Medieval memories
AAlbum Sighisoara - Medieval memories