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Saint Nicholas Church

Saint Nicholas Church

Saint Nicholas Church

“Saint Nicholas” Church from Iasi.

Biserica “Sf. Nicolae Domnesc” (Royal Saint Nicholas Church) was founded by Stefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great) between 1491-1492 and it stands for the oldest religious dwelling in iasi. It is situated nearby the former Curtea Domneasca (Royal Court) [the same place where now is situated Palatul Culturii (The Palace of Culture)], and this is the reason why it is here that were anointed most of the rulers of Moldova, from Despot Voda to Alexandru Ioan Cuza. This also explains its name of Sf. Nicolae-Domnesc (Royal Saint Nicholas). Church’s patron saint, Saint Nicholas was an archbishop in Myra Lycia (on the southern coast of Asia Minor) during the fourth century, being considered a great worker of miracles.

Saint Nicholas Church

“Saint Nicholas” Church from Iasi.

Between 1888 – 1904 the Church was destroyed and rebuilt from its foundation by the French architect Lecomte du Nouy, who also brought some minor modifications to the original plans.

By the end of the seventh century it was a Metropolitan cathedral, and it was here that lived for a while the Metropolitan Dosoftei, the same who founded a printing house in the adjoining building, known at the present as Casa Dosoftei (Dosoftei’s residence).

Church’s dedication day is on the 6th of December, the feast day of Saint Nicholas, and nowadays, it functions as metropolitan chapel administered by the Monastery of the Three Hierarchs.