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Galata Monastery

Galata Monastery

The Church of the Galata Monastery.

Galata Monastery was built by the ruler Petru Schiopu, and the Church was consecrated in 1584. Its name comes from the neighbourhood bearing the same name from Constantinople (today’s Istanbul), where Moldavian rulers used to find shelter when they went to the “Sublime Porte”. Just like other monasteries from the region of Moldavia, Galata has an enclosing wall, with a bell tower. Besides, the church of the monastery has been a model for Aroneanu Church (1594), The Church of Dragomirna Monastery (1608-1609), the church of the Monastery of the Three Hierarchs (1639).

Galata Monastery

The Church of the Galata Monastery.

The royal house, where ruler Petru Schiopu used to retire, has suffered numerous modifications along the years, and it shelters today monastery’s museum, the chapel “Sf. Apostol Iacov” (Saint Apostle Iacov), various exhibits with historical value, a fragment of fresco with the famous “Galata red”, and also the bell that Petru Schiopu gave to the church “Galata din Vale” (Galata in the Valley).
The restoration works from 1970 revealed the tombs of two of ruler’s children, Despina and Vlad, and also that of his wife, Maria Amirali.
Since 1990, Galata is a monastery for nuns, who have among occupations the art of embroidery and confection of liturgical raiments.

Church’s dedication day is Lord’s Resurrection (40 days after the Holly Easter).

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