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Dervent Monastery

Dervent Monastery - Dobrogea

Romania Map -  Dervent Monastery (Dobrogea)

The Dervent Monastery is situated 133 km from Constanta, Galita Village, Ostrov Commune. The year when the first monastic establishment was built here is not known but the historical documents first tell about Dervent in the 9th century. The documents say that it was founded by local monks, from the Tomis and Durostorum Eparchy. It is known that there were links between the monastic establishment of Dervent and the retiracy cave from Basarabi, the monastery from the Danube Mouth, Studion Monastery from Constantinople and with other monastic establishments from Athos and Balkans. The historical documents also mention about the existence of a monastery church from the 11th century in Dervent but the church was destroyed by the pecenegi people in 1036.

Dervent Monastery - Dobrogea

Dervent Monastery, general view.

However, the settlement known as the Dervent Monastery is a foundation of the monarch Elefterie Mihai (1929-1936) and was built on the site of a Christian cemetery. The church, with a cross shape, was built according to the architectural plans of N. Savulescu from Calarasi, and than painted during the ’70-’80. The dedication day of the church is Sfanta Cuvioasa Parascheva (Pious Saint Parascheva), on the 14th of October.

Dervent Monastery - Dobrogea

The miracle-working icon of the Virgin Mary.

Nevertheless, in 1990, many monks left to other monasteries after the death of Abbot Elefterie, here remaining only two. The present abbot, Andrei Tudor, found only five monks in 1991 when he was Hegumen Ierom. Gheorghe Avram de la Manastirea Cocosu. He managed, in two years, to gather a community of 24 habitants.
Today, Christians come in pilgrimage to the Dervent Monastery to pray to the icon of the Virgin Mary, the miracle worker, then to the Holly Crosses. One is situated outside and seems to date back on the 17th century. It is told that sick animals healed here after a night tight to the cross. According to the story told by Protosinghelul Anastasie Negara, the people enter the chapel, bow to the Holly Cross, they are being read prayers, they are anoint with cruet from the votive light and then they must sleep one night near the cross. Most of them are healed.


Address: Lipnita commune, Galita village, 907224, Constanta
Phone/Fax +40 (241) 857877;
Mobile: +40 (788) 469406, +40 (722) 442471;

Dervent Monastery - Dobrogea

The entrance to Dervent Monastery.
The Curing River (Izvorul Tamaduirii)

The Curing River (Izvorul Tamaduirii) from the Dervent Monastery.

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